Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How WiMax Works

WiMax works as follows :
The connection of internet backbone is brought by Internet Service Provider (ISP) which is broadcasted through ISP network using fiber optic, satellite and WiMax. WiMax transmitter broadcasts signal through the other transmitter using LOS system as backhaul. WiMax transmitter broadcasts signal, this signal is captured by receiver (subscriber station). WiMax subscriber station consists of fixed (IEEE 802.16d) and mobile (IEEE 802.16e).

Look at the picture below. This picture describes how WiMax works :
how wimax works

Monday, July 7, 2008

LOS and non LOS in WiMax

WiMax is BWA standard that can work in Line of Sight (LOS) and non Line of Sight (non LOS) with the speed 70 Mbps (non LOS) up to 134 Mbps (LOS).

The LOS is the electromagnetic wave that goes in the straight line. This wave will go maximally if the zone passed by the wave is not blocked by obstacles known as Zone Fresnel 1. You can see the illustration below :

The non LOS is the electromagnetic wave that goes in straigt line but it is blocked by obstacles so the received signal is direct wave and reflected wave. Please see the picture below for better understanding :
non LOS

Friday, July 4, 2008

Introduction to WiMax

Do you know what WiMax is ? Have you ever heard about WiMax before ? WiMax is the acronym of The Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access. WiMax is the evolution of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) technology. If BWA is still proprietary then WiMax technology is open-standard. Which means, WiMax equipment between different vendors is still be able to be operated on (non proprietary).

You can see the development of WiMax from this picture :

wimax development

WiMax is known as IEEE 802.16. You probably ask what IEEE 802.16 is. IEEE 802.16 is standard protocol in wireless network which is designed by United State Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE). In Europe, this standard protocol is designed by European Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI).

In 2002, Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMax) forum was formed that referred in 802.16 standard and was assigned to interconnect various global technical standard to one unity.

Wimax included in the category wireless MAN because of his scope reached through to 50 km. Wimax is the candidate wireless technology for the fourth generation - 4G.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

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